Gay pride shirt meme

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To make it simple, its just a group of Caucasians who take pride in being white. Soaking my brain with as much info as i could on the subject, i pondered to myself if there was anyone still pushing this Nazi propaganda during these days? That is when i came across Neo-Nazis, The Ku Klux Klan and The White Nationalist Community.

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This opened a door to a lot of things, one of them being the Nazi regime during the 40s. The way that one man could control so many brains always intrigued me. It was a period in time where all i wanted to do was read about different dictators across the world. On his Tumblr, Tyler has written a confused screed explaining why he’s smashing all these different and contradictory symbols into one thing:

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He’s designed a new T-shirt, one that swipes the Iron Cross symbol frequently used in iconography and slaps a Gay Pride rainbow over it. But Tyler, The Creator has now brought it back, after a fashion. This was just part of their grand tour through every shock-value tactic imaginable, and they dispensed with it pretty quickly. Back before they got famous, the members of Odd Future sometimes referred to themselves as “black Nazis” and used swastikas in their imagery.

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