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His tan muscle bod trapped in a cage, Aymeric DeVille is at the mercy of his captors. Leo grabs the top’s pec as he gets fucked, two loads soon coating him.ĬAGED: David Anthony, Aymeric DeVille, Tibor Wolfe with Gio Forte piss & suck cock On his back, Leo gets pounded as his own boner gets stroked, the bottom beating it on David’s abs. The chiseled top slides his dick in, the two staying stiff as low shots capture their banging balls. The two squirt before Leo gets his hole munched, David warming it up as Leo strokes him. The spit strands come fast and furious, clinging to David’s cock and falling to the ground as the breathless sucker shows off his skill. The sucker opens wide, his nose and lips buried at the base of the thick beast. Leo returns the favor, worshipping David’s huge meat. David deep throats the shaved-headed stud, gagging as he slurps. Rookie golfer David Anthony sends his ball into the drink of sunbather Leo Forte: “You gonna show me how sorry you really are?” asks the muscular vacationer. I know spend most of my time on my farm in Eastern Pennsylvania.īLIND SPOT: David Anthony fucks Leo Forte Horse Hung Playgirl and Men model Titan Men exclusive Gay Porn Star, David Anthonyīio: I have a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering and spent many years working in the Czech Republic.

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